City Tour
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City Tour
The city was the seat of government in Kenya until 1906 when Nairobi replaced it. In 1498 vasco da gama brought the Portuguese in to the town and then later country men took over the east coast trade and ruled for more than 200 years. In 1593 the construction of the fort (fort Jesus) started on a spectacular site overlooking the harbor. However in 1652 the oman arabs raided nearby Zanzibar and the Portuguese and in 1696 they raided Mombasa island and besieged fort Jesus. Eventually the Portuguese left Kenya coast in 1720 and arabs rulers took over till 1832. The fort is now a museum and is always included on all scheduled day tours of Mombasa. Don’t forget to explore places like old town while in Mombasa, jain temples, sheikh judan mosque and Anglican and roman churches. While here yo can enjoy “viazi karai, madafu and more unique Swahili dishes
This coastal town lies 100km (60 miles away from Mombasa ) and is believed to be melind of paradise lost. Malindi prospered after the arrival of vasco da gama and prospered and the centre of portugues . slaves were sold infront of the pillar which stands by the juma mosque. Just south of the town ship is the casuarina point and coral gardens of malindi marine park visited for snorkeling and glass bottom boats
This is like an island older than time. No cars are allowed on to lamu island but regular daily flights carry visitors to the island the lamu archipilego. Is an island of narrow winding streets and alleys, mosques, bazaars and white washed buldings which are unspoiled till to date. There are hotels in the island. Boat are available for deep sea fishing and excellent museum. It is a quiet atmosphere which all appeals to those who prefer to spend time in a peaceful environment while admiring their Swahili dishes and “ bui bui” dressing
Crossing the ferry which links the south coast to the island of Mombasa, the road runs for 72 miles to Tanzania border and we have beautiful beach resort for a vistor to choose. Furthest away there is shimoni( the place of the cave) and a major centre for deep sea fishing . We also have kisite mpunguti marine reserve where you can do snorkeling and swim with dolpins
In just over 100 years ago the only visitor of nairobi were the maasai tribe, who used to water their cattles at a boggy waterhole, they called it enkare nyarobi-the place of cold water. Between 1903-1908 settlers arrived in Kenya responding to the promise of cheap agricultural land and many sportsmen arrived arrived to hunt the game and later Nairobi became a city by royal charter, the streets ablaze with flowering trees like jacaranda. The city has now developed with modern infrastructure and diverse attractions . places to visit are nairobi national museum, memorial park, Karen Blixen, giraffe centre, bomas of Kenya,Nairobi national park, karura forest, safari walk, elephant orphanage and more